Jonathan Adler
Potter, designer and author, Jonathan Adler launched his eponymous brand after quitting his job to pursue his passion: pottery. His desire to design all the pieces needed to create a perfectly chic interior opened the doors to many other things. Today, Jonathan Adler is a design company with stores around the world, an e-commerce site, residential and commercial projects, and a dealer network of over 1,000 locations. The mission: to bring modern American glamour into your life.

Modern American Glamour
Modern American Glamour
Golden Eye
Golden Eye
Jonathan Alder's eye has come to life in neon and it is pure illumination. This pattern, a favorite of the neon industry, glows, all yellow and taut lines. It evokes solar flares and occult symbols.
Create good vibes with this neon peace sign. This piece brings to life fun fonts and the artist's iconic style.
Spread the love with this wonderful neon text. Lit with bright pinks and blues, this neon LED piece is destined to become an object of fascination.

“En tant que designer et artisan, je travaille avec une myriade de matériaux pour donner vie à mes idées. Mais pendant des années, le néon manquait à l’appel. Avec Yellowpop, j’ai pu exprimer ma créativité tout en néons. Quelle joie ! J’espère que vous aimerez cette collection autant que j’ai aimé la créer.”
"As a designer and craftsman, I work with a myriad of materials to bring my ideas to life. But for years, neon was missing in action. With Yellowpop, I was able to express my creativity all in neon. What a joy! I hope you enjoy this collection as much as I enjoyed creating it."